Saturday, March 16, 2013

When ordinary becomes extraordinary

Day 3

Let the standard of all things be Christ 

First I wanted to mention that it's an upside down world we live in today, good is called evil and evil good... A quick glance at the movie blockbusters show an increasing amount of sex, violence, gore and evil served up in pretty Hollywood packaging. It seems like being a wizard or a vampire or a zombie is the norm these days and regular people are the exceptions! I like that train of thought very much! In fact it's taken me two days to fully articulate this point.  If you are a normal Christian person, with regular morals and values you may be a rare breed of extraordinary human - one who has not been swayed by the lure of the world and has kept your way pure.

At this point I want to mention a prophesy Josh made to the ladies on Sunday... He said that we see ourselves as lumps of coal but God has us in the palm of His hand, and though the pressure of the narrow boundaries of life in Christ may seem constricting... When he opens His hand the diamond is revealed. 

The pressure of narrow boundaries cause us to be transformed into precious gems in God's hands.

So I encourage you today, love your boundaries! Really embrace being in a hidden place in's a good place, a safe place and the pressure brings out the treasure within!

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