I just wrote about love, romance and Jesus and got to thinking about the way we get it all confused and backwards, thinking romance and roses equals love and Jesus is all about denying self and having NO fun, romance or otherwise.
So here is my little (hopefully) treatise on the subject of love, through the eyes of a love intoxicated Jesus bride.
Debunking lies:
1) life with Jesus is full of rules that are designed to end all fun in your life forever!
Life with Jesus is the start of the best fun you'll ever have, its not going to cost you your life its going to give you life! Its all about perspective: do you like your life right now? yep, you actually have to answer that question! So if you like your life you really don't need to read any further unless you're just curious :) But lets suppose you really don't like your life! You feel like its missing something, its kinda boring but you're doing all the same stuff other people say are interesting and awesome - but its not really giving you the high you were promised. So if you chose to walk with Jesus you would have to give up this boring, dissapointing life and get something infinately better but it looks a little risky because well, the Christians out there are all boring and religious and thats worse than were you're at now! I agree. If that was what I was offered I never would have made a choice for Jesus. Leads me to lie number 2
2) Religion equals Jesus or "I already go to church"
As I have written previously: Religion represents Jesus about as accurately as a wavepool represents the sea! If you have never seen the real thing you might be quite impressed but if you ever do encounter the living God you won't ever be taken in by the tame god of religion again. Church is a much used ~ misused~ confusing word which was never meant to represent a building. In the context of the bible church simply means the gathering of the faithful. Anytime, anyplace, 2 or more are gathered in His name He is present and we are the church - in His presence. So its not a building and its not a religion and its not about big numbers, its about gathering for His glory and welcoming His presence. So technically you can't go to church because you are the church.
3) Jesus is boring
Lets really examine this one. Jesus was the only man to rise from the dead, and not die again but enter into eternal life. He made the world, the ever expanding universe and you. You are one of bazillions of humans made since the beginning of time but unique, never to be repeated. The maker is infinately creative, resourceful and living! We might have to reconsider the lens through which we have looked at Jesus. Is he defined by your limited church going experience? Maybe by the example of others and their representation of Jesus? Maybe by the hypocrasy and bigotry of the religious system? Maybe by personal hurt or painful misuse? Jesus is not what people or you have seen or represented. He IS.
So we return then to the starting point of this discussion: who is Jesus? If He is not a set of rules, or a building or a religion or a thought system, what is He?
He is Love. The pure love that we all long to experience but never dare to dream of reaching. If you
really want to know Him ~ He will show himself to you and you too can have the romance of a lifetime with the King of Love.
How did I become a love intoxicated Jesus bride? thats another story for another day <3
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