Monday, February 13, 2012

To live is to Love

Its Valentines Day tomorrow and Love is in the Air! The florist on the corner worked all weekend making bouquets and roses will cost you more than any other day of the year. All over town marquee tents are making a quick buck on the romance bandwagon...

Love is surely the one thing that causes a reaction in all of us! We have a picture of what romance looks like, we have ideas about how love looks, behaves, interacts and creates more LOVE! Love is the chief end of man, it is our underling drive and motivation. We live to be loved and have someone to love. Research has shown that without love, specifically; physical touch and affection, babies fail to thrive and toddlers are developmentally challenged. Love is not just a feeling its a physiological need.

Love is a big word though: it seems to mean so many things to so many people. Its a language, or a gift, or a person, or a physical sensation, or a presence, or an absence or a perfume or even a place... 

How we define love can also define us. Is love security? Is it freedom? Is is beauty? Is it costly? Does it Last? Whitney Houston wrote: I will always love you... and those are words we all long to hear and prove to be true.

Love is not so easily nailed down but I have a picture of love which doesn't involve roses or candlelight and it was nailed to a cross. This love is the Love that answers all the questions ~ it is the one you've been waiting for, the one you can trust, the one who will never leave and the one that you can always come back to.

So today, if you long for love and have searched for it in so many places and been dissapointed in so many ways: could you give Love a chance? He is waiting to start the romance of a lifetime with you!

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